We've all seen that trend going all over TikTok about becoming that girl. The girl that wakes up early does her daily affirmations and journal eats a healthy breakfast and does her workout. If you're new here my name is Arayah! I'm going to talk about tips on how to become that girl, so I just want to start off by saying that girl is not about becoming this perfect skinny healthy workout girl. That girl is becoming a better version of yourself, focusing on growth and just focusing on yourself. I try to share my healthy lifestyle on how it's made me better as a person, I just really wanted to share with you guys my tips on how I became a better version of myself. Mentally and physically, I wasn't happy with myself and I really wanted to change for the better and create this new routine, this new healthy lifestyle really really helped me become more who I am today, and I honestly can say I feel so much happier. I have so much energy, I love waking up early, literally the best... I just want to be straight with you guys straight from the beginning is that I don't want you guys to think that, that girl is perfect because no one's perfect! I'm not perfect, I'm far from perfect but I just really wanted to promote that becoming that girl can be anyone. Anyone can become that girl and it's all about just focusing on yourself and just focusing on your growth that's what I really want to start off with before I get into the steps so just remember that this kind of book thing is for that.

Creating a routine
Step number one is to start creating a routine whether it's a morning routine, whatever works for you. I know a lot of people work like 3 jobs and they don't have the time to do morning routine and that's okay like you can totally do a workout in the evening, I want you guys to get your routine based on your own schedule, not mine but yours. So just focus on the best part of the day where you can focus on yourself so whether that's waking up eating your breakfast doing a workout and then do your school work or do your work, whatever it's going to work, like you come home do a workout then make dinner you know then journal whatever it may be just create a little routine becoming productive is something to look forward to every single day I know I look forward to waking up every morning following my routine like I said after school I do my routine and all just depends on the day but I find a routine just really helps me motivate myself as well as keep myself productive so again. I always try and promote being motivational and just being productive because being productive makes me feel good and as I mentioned a routine really really helps so kind of list of things that you do for your morning that way you kind of stick to those things so you make your breakfast you do your workout you know get school work out whatever pieces but I feel like that's beneficial in my growth.
Eating less processed foods

Now I'm going to be straight with you guys... you can buy some broccoli for 3.99 and you can buy a bag of Doritos for 3.99 so I'm going to talk about my real-life journey. So about two years ago I ate crap I literally ate chips and gummies every single weekend, I just was eating whatever processed food I could just yeah. just not wholesome foods and I just wasn't feeling good anymore. What I've realized throughout this journey is at the beginning of my journey I was so strict; you know so focused on eating you know a low number of calories although I can't do high fat. Honestly now I eat whatever I want I got to say my body has never looked better and I never felt better, and I've never felt happier. it's been such a journey for me and I'm just really trying to build that on this kind of platform. It's just eating healthier lifestyle honestly just helps me feel good, it makes me happy and I just don't want anyone to think that I'm on this strict diet to become that girl like I just think whatever makes you happy It's okay if you are you know are eating keto and are on a diet... that that's totally OK everyone has a different body I want you guys to find that within yourself, I want you to figure out what you like that is going to help you live and help your own better lifestyle.
Moving your body

So, whether it's creating a workout routine from a YouTube video for example or maybe it's going on a 30-minute walk every single morning or going on a 30-minute jog just moving your body in some way really really helps. So, what’s worked for me is I work out I want to say about four to five times a week. I don't work out every single day and that's one thing that's important is that you guys need to give yourself a rest day. If you don't give yourself rest days, you're just going to be overworking yourself and your workout out every single day not giving yourself a rest day, you’re not going to be getting 100% in those workouts so that's one thing to know, make sure you have rested so yeah. Other forms of movement that I recommend that you guys could do is maybe you know skipping, riding a bike, going rollerblading... things like that. Even like joining a soccer team or a hockey team, it doesn't have to be you know the things that I've highlighted that work for me it could be any kind of movement/workout.
Drinking more water

This was kind of like a sort of an obvious one but drinking more water. I know you people keep saying that and I kind of thought it was like Oh my God drinking more water whatever but honestly guys it really made a difference. So yeah, it always throughout the day, I did buy this huge water bottle and I can link it up below the water bottle that I use but I just find having a big water bottle also helps me motivated to drink lots of water so yeah definitely maybe invest in a water bottle that will help you drink water.
Setting goals for yourself
So, whether this is just creating a list of things that you hope to achieve whether that's walking 30 minutes every single day, or you know to journal every single day, you know working out three times a week this week or incorporating more healthier meals in true diet this week those are all goals or even what I mentioned, creating a routine to follow every single morning. setting goals is really what's going to motivate you to complete these things and I know it's really helped me, and I think it's going to really help you as well.

This is really good!